Bilmar Beach Resort

10650 Gulf Blvd
Treasure Island, FL 33706

Telephone: 727 360-5531


GET AWAY, GET IT ALL AT THE BILMAR BEACH RESORT - OUR TREASURE ISLAND, FL HOTEL The Bilmar Beach Resort - Other Treasure Island Hotels envy us because we hold the highest ranking among hotels in Treasure Island, Florida. The picturesque location offers the best area recreation, shopping and entertainment with a complete selection of accommodations and amenities.The Bilmar Beach Resort has been the undisputed favorite of families for years. The spacious studios, efficiencies, penthouses, suites and amenities that include two heated pools and a beachside fitness trail are all a part of what makes this Treasure Island, FL Resort getaway unforgettable. Reasons to Stay at the finest of Treasure Island, FL Resorts Beautiful Beach Location Family-Friendly Accommodations and Care Spacious Suites, Studios and Efficiencies Affordable Weekly-Rate Vacation Rentals More than 8,000 Square Feet of Combined Meeting Space Professional On-Site Event and Wedding Catering On-Site Dining at Sloppy Joe's and Bazzie's Beach Bar We invite you to explore the accommodations at the Bilmar Beach Resort, as well as our resort amenities and the local Treasure Island area. When other Treasure Island resorts simply will not do, make plans for a vacation as it was meant to be-at the Bilmar Beach Resort.

The calendar is updated every five minutes and is only an approximation of availability.

Some hosts set custom pricing for certain days on their calendar, like weekends or holidays. The rates listed are per day and do not include any cleaning fee or rates for extra people the host may have for this listing. Please refer to the listing's Description tab for more details.

We suggest that you contact the host to confirm availability and rates before submitting a reservation request.